friday 40k humor

friday 40k humor

Monday, March 21, 2011

New Tactica Up

Edge has released his second tactics article. There's some good stuff on Space Marines in there! Click on the members forum section. This will allow guests to view the vistors section which not only includes the tactics articles but some other cool stuff. Check it out!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Martial Law invades CincyCon

CincyCon 40k Tourney has come and gone. We had 5 members attend finishing 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th along with Best Painted. I'm attaching a link below to Drkmorals blog. He attended and has a very nice right up and alot of pics. Enjoy!

Saturday, March 5, 2011


We are proud to have our very own ML member and tactician Edge to start his articles on tactics of 40k. We will be posting his articles every 2 weeks on Friday. Just click onto the forums and read them under the new forum section "40k Articles and Editorials". Enjoy... I know we will. So Click on over and read his debut article TODAY!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

2011 Tournament Season Update ll

As the season continues there are plenty events already scheduled with more being added all the time. There should be something for everyone!

The next 3 months worth of tournament so far. More will be added as info is obtained.


Krystal Keep...3/12 Kettering, Oh
Eastside Games & Cards...3/12 Cincinnati, Oh
CincyCon...3/19 Cincinnati, Oh
Comic Shop Plus...3/26 Columbus, Oh


Adepticon...4/1-3 Chicago, Il
Yotta Quest RTT...4/2 Cincinnati, Oh
Pet shop comics...4/9 Louisvile, Ky
DBCooperCon...4/16 Cincinnati, Oh
Comic Shop Plus pre Ard Boyz...4/23 Columbus, Oh
Gamers DMZ RTT...4/23 Kokomo, In


DiceHead Games ATC Club Championship...4/20-22 Cleveland, Tn
CAG Bash...4/21 Cincinnati, Oh
Eastside Games & Cards RTT...4/21 Cincinnat, Oh