friday 40k humor

friday 40k humor

Monday, June 25, 2012

Buckeye Battles 2012... July 13th

Buckeye Battles 2012 is upon us here in a few weeks. They are sticking with a 5th edition tourney, probably the last for most of us, seeing as 6th will be hitting the shelves of local game stores and arriving via snail mail for others this coming weekend. 1850 points with the added Forgeworld rules that are GW approved. Not my "cup of tea" as far as the Forgeworld rules, but hey I don't foresee many players utilizing them. Last year we pulled 4 members together to represent, but this year plan on bringing several more to spread the "good word" of game play we at Martial Law try to persue as a club. If you haven't been before, try to attend this year. There's still plenty of slots left and a guaranteed good time of 40k as we watch 5th edition ride off onto the sunset. They even had some pizza for players last year. Hope to see any of you readers there and as always introduce yourselves to us... We don't bite hard... Unless you happen to talk to EAP....

Thursday, June 7, 2012

A Farewell to 5th

A Farewell to 5th. As we all know 6th edition is right around the corner so I will be hosting a 40k Tournament at the Bookery in Fairborn on June 16th as A Farewell to 5th edition. It is 1850 pts., three 2 hour rounds. $10.00 entry fee. Store opens at 10:30, start rolling dice at 11:00. This is the Saturday before Fathers Day so all you dads use your free pass for Fathers Day and come out and help us give a final send off to 5th edition 40k.

Awards will be in the form of store credit, consisting of all entry fees and GW prize support (yes it is still available).Call or stop by the Bookery to sign up. Of course walk in's are welcome but are subject to space availability. Scenario's will be posted in the coming weeks!

Bookery Fantasy
16 West Main StreetFairborn OH 45324
(937) 879-1408
(937) 879-9327 fax