friday 40k humor

friday 40k humor

Monday, April 4, 2011

2011 Tournament Update III

Here is the next three months worth of tourney's. As always when I see something new I'll post or update as needed. I'm also working on something to help provide the info for the tournaments in the vistors section so if you see something your interested in you won't have to hunt for it. More on that later.


Adepticon...4/1-3 Chicago, Il
Pet Store Comics RTT...4/9 Louisville, Ky
DBCC...4/16 Cincinnati, Oh
Comic Shop Plus...4/23 Columbus, Oh
Gamers DMZ RTT...4/23 Kokomo, In


Dicehead Games ATC Club Challenge...5/20-22 Cleveland, Tn
CAG Bash...5/21 Cincinnati, Oh
Eastside Games & Cards...5/21 Cincinnati, Oh
The Game Preserve RTT...5/21 Bloomington, In
CSP's Armed Forces Event...5/21 Columbus,Oh


The Sage's Shop RTT...6/4 W. Lafayette, In
Games2Die4 RTT...6/4 Avon, In
Orgins...6/22-26 Columbus, Oh
Eastside Games & Cards RTT...6/18 Cincinnati, Oh
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