friday 40k humor

friday 40k humor

Monday, September 5, 2011

Tournament Update VIII

September has alot to choose from and October is picking upsteam as we move closer to the end of this years tournament schedule. Our first annual club event (ML Con) is coming up in October, so between that and Ard Boyz the ML Krew is keeping pretty busy preparing.


Ard' Boyz semi-finals...9/17 check GW website
Games Preserve...9/17 Bloomington, In
Eastside Games & Cards...9/17 Cincinnati, Oh
Boltgun Battles...9/24 Newark, Oh
Games Preserve...9/24 South Indy, In
Jac Games...9/24 Akron, Oh
Comic Shop Plus...9/25 Columbus, Oh


Yotta Quest...10/2 Cincinnati, Oh
ML Con...10/15 Cincinnati, Oh
Comic Shop Plus...10/15 Columbus, Oh
Games Preserve...10/15 Bloomington, In
Ard' Boyz Finals...10/22 Locations ?


Rock Con...11/4-6
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